Live, Laugh, and Be Happy

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

On the 'pregnancy symptoms' front, I was nauseous all last week, but over the weekend made the discovery that if I kept my blood sugar levels relatively constant, most of the queasiness disappeared. The challenge now is to eat foods with 'good sugar' rather than bad. I mean, I'm taking a multivitamin and a calcium supplement and trying to stay hydrated . . . but other than that my diet is pretty much crap. It doesn't help that baby spinach salads, which normally I love, now make me gag.

Also I've been sleeping a lot more, but I'm not sure if that's due to the baby or if I'm just being lazy. :-) I certainly used the baby as an excuse to spend most of yesterday designing this site and looking at houses in Raleigh . . . I think that means I definitely have to hit the gym after work today.


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