Live, Laugh, and Be Happy

Friday, May 26, 2006

First trimester is kicking my booty
I am so glad that places such as MDC exist. I'm the only one I know who is pregnant, and it so helps to hear that it is normal for me to only be able to choke down breads and grains and to feel absolutely miserable all day even though I haven't actually puked. Matthew and I (mostly I) have decided that Roo just likes hearing my tummy gurgle, and so causes me to run for the bathroom just for the fun of it. Consequently, my house is a wreck and I am grumpy.

On the other hand, I am eight weeks today! Yesterday I stopped at a used book store that is going out of business and got about 30 books for $3; among them were Dr. Sears' 'The Baby Book' and 'Choices in Childbirth' by Dr. Feldman. Of course, when I got home Matthew did remind me that that meant 30 more books to pack. Oh well.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

On the 'pregnancy symptoms' front, I was nauseous all last week, but over the weekend made the discovery that if I kept my blood sugar levels relatively constant, most of the queasiness disappeared. The challenge now is to eat foods with 'good sugar' rather than bad. I mean, I'm taking a multivitamin and a calcium supplement and trying to stay hydrated . . . but other than that my diet is pretty much crap. It doesn't help that baby spinach salads, which normally I love, now make me gag.

Also I've been sleeping a lot more, but I'm not sure if that's due to the baby or if I'm just being lazy. :-) I certainly used the baby as an excuse to spend most of yesterday designing this site and looking at houses in Raleigh . . . I think that means I definitely have to hit the gym after work today.