Live, Laugh, and Be Happy

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Gifts, welcome and otherwise
Matthew had a business trip to Tampa last week and brought back my first maternity clothes (apparently his hotel was next door to an outlet mall). They're still a little large on me, but it is much nicer to have that problem than its opposite, as almost all of my regular clothes have become at least somewhat uncomfortable.
Less welcome is the cold he brought back with him. At first we thought I had escaped it, but no, yesterday morning I woke up with a sore throat and stuffy nose, and things have only gone downhill since then. At least I don't still have morning sickness - I hate to think about the sheer miserableness that would be. Additionally, someone needs to invent a way to keep designated meds from crossing the placenta; this cold is bad enough that even pill-phobic Matthew was popping Dayquil, and yet the strongest thing I can safely take is acetominophen, and not much of that. Oh well, if he is anything to go by, I only have about three more days before I regain function in my upper respiratory tract . . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the cold has spread up and down the east coast, or maybe Matthew sprinkled his germs as he flew overhead, because Matthew Staton & I have both been under the weather in the last few days too. At least we will all have had it by the time we join up in the mountains next week!!!
Hope you get to feeling better very quickly.

11:14 AM  
Blogger Kecia said...

Bad Matthew! He should know better than to throw things out of a plane like that. :) I am sorry you guys are sick, but can you imagine how miserable we all would be if we came down with it next week? I feel we'd be a house full of sorry people . . . Hope you guys feel much better soon!

5:08 AM  

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